Notarnicola #5 – August 2022
An August pick led to Joyce and Mark renewing a long-time tradition – DP16 Summer.

And ten – Notarnicola, Karnes, Monteverd, Quinn, Teator – convened for Dinner #228, two months shy of twenty years of monthly events with friends and dinners.

Although the pool was open, no one dipped a toe, with temperatures just cool enough to make staying dry more appealing.

And we nibbled on appetizers and chatted, imbibed our favorites and gabbed, enjoyed the Notar entrées and discussed, savored Deb K’s desserts and opined, and then sat in the dusk and pondered the meaning of life. It was grand, and a joy to see everyone. Details to be left in the fading light, and a thank you to everyone for pitching in, and especially to Mark and Joyce for hosting our clique one more time. 

and 11 photos in the pdf - Summer 2022 at Notar's - pdf